Thursday, December 3, 2009

The first page of my new notebook. It was a special present from my wife. It is a fine leather book from Hermes. I made a couple of collages that were inspired by my birthday which was October 28th. I like women who can handle guns. I am a gun collector and a proud life member of the NRA. That might surprise people - artist, guns, NRA no it all fits into the unusual package of a free thinking human being. I hate ideologies with a passion. They imply a "lock step mentality". I enjoy reading, hearing all different points of view. Yes, I have my views of the world but they would confuse most people. I am not a person you can put into a box and say: "oh yes, he is this kind of person". I find that people who are "so sure to be correct" get up my back. Most of the time they are just mimics of a point of view that they have never really examined nor have they given much thought to the idea in all it's forms. It is bold and refreshing to be a true thinker and not give a damn what the pack thinks. And above all never, never become politically correct!

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